哈燒新品PM Writing (2) Student Book好禮必備
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內容簡介: 博客來網路書局 Description
PM Writing has been specifically developed for use in the early years of schooling. The PM Writing Student Books provide students with opportunities to apply their developing knowledge of the text structure and language features of specific text types, during whole-class, small-group or individual writing sessions.
The Student Books reinforce the knowledge and skills taught in the Exemplars for Teaching Writing and the Levelled Exemplar Texts, supporting students as they move towards writing the key text types independently.
Student Book 2 contains:
?an Assessment for learning section, comprising pre-assessment for learning section, comprising per-assessment tasks that teachers can use to gather pre-assessment data to gauge students readiness to complete initial tasks or move forward with the program.
?text type writing scaffolds for the four text types explicitly taught in the early years of schooling Recount, Description, Information Report and Narrative. These writing scaffolds support students through the stages of planning & drafting, revising, editing and publishing helping them to write with success.
?activity pages designed to consolidate and extend students knowledge of the text structure and the language features of each key text type.
PM Writing 2 components:
?Exemplars for Teaching Writing Book 2
博客來書店?18 Levelled Exemplar Texts (Levels 14-19)
?Student Book 2
?Teachers' Resource Book 2
?PM Writing Interactive writing Pro Formas
?PM Writing Lesson Planner
?PM Writing Teaching in Practice
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Annette Smith, Elsie Nelley, Debbie Croft, Patricia Ciuffetelli
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/04/13
- 語言:繁體中文
哈燒新品PM Writing (2) Student Book好禮必備
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