好物折扣A Genre-based Approach to Academic Writing 2-e with MP3 CD-1片特價搶購
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推薦大家一本語言學習好書好物折扣A Genre-based Approach to Academic Writing 2-e with MP3 CD-1片特價搶購全書的內容大意
好物折扣A Genre-based Approach to Academic Writing 2-e with MP3 CD-1片特價搶購曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: 博客來網路書局KEY FEATURES
?Focuses on complete texts in a range of genres - recount, instruction, argument, explanation and classification.
?Includes blended texts that combine genres.
?Examines overall text structure, paragraph structure and language features associated with different genres.
?Explores a wide range of textual relationships involving comparison and contrast, temporal sequence, temporal overlap, purpose, means, reason, amplification, condition, exception, exemplification and concession.
?Provides a large number of model texts and practical writing exercises.
?Accompanied by a teachers' guide with PowerPoint slides and an answer guide.
跨域投資與合作:台日商策略聯盟理論與實務 | 國際貿易理論與政策(修訂九版) | 臺灣與WTO | 南寧、桂林、北海、海口、昆明、貴陽重要商圈及銷售通路市調報告 | ||||
合肥、蕪湖、馬鞍山、銅陵、鄭州、九江消費習性及市場潛力產業及通路布建報告 | ECFA後的錢潮與風險 | 台日商大陸投資策略聯盟:理論、實務與案例 | 新興產業覓商機:2010中國大陸地區投資環境與風險調查 | ||||
ECFA,不能說的秘密? | 西洋鏡看中國:阿兜仔在廣州 | 清代的國際貿易:白銀流入、貨幣危機和晚清工業化 | 全球新興市場覓商機2010全球重要暨新興市場貿易環境與風險調查 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Diane Johnson, Winifred Crombie
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2014/04/10
- 語言:英文
好物折扣A Genre-based Approach to Academic Writing 2-e with MP3 CD-1片特價搶購
駭客禁區(07) | 斷情逐妖記11 | ||
兼職神仙(8) | 霉運超人(6) | ||
天地縱橫(8) | 九龍丸02 | ||
霉運超人(7) | 駭客禁區(1) | ||
星空狂戰(3) | 神願.雲翼傳說(6) |
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好物折扣A Genre-based Approach to Academic Writing 2-e with MP3 CD-1片特價搶購