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內容簡介: Engaging Writing, a newly expanded two-level series, gives students the concepts and skills they need for success in academic writing. Engaging Writing provides clear, step-by-step instruction in the writing process, focusing first on paragraphs (Engaging Writing 1) and progressing to essays (Engaging Writing 2). Engaging Writing fully supports the needs of intermediate to advanced ESL learners.
Features of the new edition of Engaging Writing 2:博客來書店* Introductory readings establish chapter themes and provide context for vocabulary exercises.
* Case studies of student writing provide realistic models of the writing process.
博客來網路書店* Part I contains thematically-oriented, process-based writing instruction updated with fresh models and exercises. Chapter 1 reviews paragraph writing and Chapters 2-5 guide students in writing essays using various rhetorical models.
* Part II highlights the issue of academic honesty and shows students how to quote, paraphrase, summarize, cite, and incorporate source material.
博客來* Appendices provide comprehensive grammar and mechanics review for reference and practice.
博客來網路書局Together Engaging Writing 1 and 2 feature a solid pedagogical core, using clearly presented and logically sequenced rhetorical, grammatical, and lexical teaching points supported by high-interest activities.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Mary Fitzpatrick
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2012/06/22
- 語言:英文
限時特賣Engaging Writing 2:Essential Skills for Academic Writing 2-e超級強品
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限時特賣Engaging Writing 2:Essential Skills for Academic Writing 2-e超級強品